AI for Birds – Bird Recognition App using Custom vision AI

Join this session to learn more about ‘AI for birds’ - Bird Recognition App. This app uses Cognitive Services with Microsoft Custom Vision AI. The model has been trained with 19,688 images of 315 bird species. You can upload bird image from your phone, and it can predict the species name of the bird and the accuracy tied to that tag. Learn about Power BI reports (showcasing global bird trends and bird attributes) which are embedded in the app and have information about 426 bird species in which the user can interact with. Bird species are dying at an alarming rate in all geographical realms around the world, due to climate change. Therefore, its necessary to increase awareness about the heartbreaking reality of birds, so we can all develop a passion for them and understand their importance. This app can ignite an appreciation and passion for birds with all the interactive visuals and fun facts.

About The Presenter: Saumya Soni is a high school junior at Eastside Preparatory School & CEO and founder of the ‘AIforEnvironment’ nonprofit.  She is passionate about using technology including Artificial Intelligence, IoT and Business Intelligence, to generate awareness about and solve global environmental challenges. To maximize her impact on the environment, she also created an ‘AIforSmartFarms’ phone app to help farmers increase food yield and farm productivity sustainably.  

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